Ways to inform your members of the benefits of Preplanning...


A Welcome Letter posted to your website with PDFs of the program and a registration link to receive a member benefits card.

A Screen Share Webinar to explain the program. A 15-minute PowerPoint presentation and opportunity for questions. Those who wish to schedule a tour and individual consultation may do so. Limited to 8 members per session.  Active internet connection and email address required. Typically lasts between 25 to 60 minutes.

On Your Premises or Restaurant

A luncheon to explain the program. A PowerPoint presentation will be provided after which is an opportunity for participants to ask questions. Those who wish to schedule a tour and individual consultation may do so. Food and Drink provided – typically lasts between 60 to 90 minutes.

A workshop to explain the program. A PowerPoint presentation will be provided after which is an opportunity for participants to ask questions. Typically lasts between 35 to 90 minutes.

A dinner workshop to explain the program. A PowerPoint presentation will be provided after which is an opportunity for participants to ask questions.

An after-service booth where members can walk up individually and receive a welcome letter and information regarding the program. Those who wish to schedule a tour and individual consultation may do so.

Direct Mail

Sent directly to members – a Welcome Letter, brochure and postage paid mail for requesting program information and member benefits card

Included in the weekly church/organization  bulletin – a Welcome Letter, brochure and postage paid mail for requesting program information and member benefits card


On Our Premises

A tour of the Funeral Home and Cemetery

A luncheon in our reception room